With the new CEO regime, Shane, advance has seen its lowest point in history, and oh yes it can go lower and will. Basicay every quarter the store has to exceed its budget by a certain percent and even if a store makes budget 2 of the 3 months, no bonuses will be cut for the employees. Even if they went $100,000 over even a million which is impossible, if they don’t make budget every month of those 3 no bonuses. And unfortunately many people on management team rely on that, as it is the capstone of their recruitment —“oh you will make so much money with us we h e a great bonus program!” Pffft! Again, making budget and exceeding it, It has to be all three months and that’s just not possible. Very few stores are able to pull this off. Many things can affect making budget. Weather. Economy. Bad advertisement and bad deals. The amount of commercial customers, some areas have almost no customers like that to help carry the store.
But there is a silver lining,
it does benefit someone, and the only role benefiting are the executives. Seems they are never losing. Ever!!
Maybe it’s time to jump a sinking ship and say goodbye to advance auto parts. They screwed up buying carquest and world pac and now they’re selling off those companies. They’ve been kicked off the stock markets s&p, they are operating only on cash flow, no credit no loans, and they keep sinking. They got kicked because of misleading shareholders. Peddling with people’s 401k’s and making shareholders believe the company was doing well.
What a piece of crap company. Given the choice, I’d never shop there ever again. And all employees should strike and demand higher wages. $20/hr minimum. If you’re hired by advance, don’t show up, go to Autozone they pay $2-5 more depending on position and that’s a huge difference when it comes to trying to survive in bidens economy.
But there is a silver lining,

Maybe it’s time to jump a sinking ship and say goodbye to advance auto parts. They screwed up buying carquest and world pac and now they’re selling off those companies. They’ve been kicked off the stock markets s&p, they are operating only on cash flow, no credit no loans, and they keep sinking. They got kicked because of misleading shareholders. Peddling with people’s 401k’s and making shareholders believe the company was doing well.
What a piece of crap company. Given the choice, I’d never shop there ever again. And all employees should strike and demand higher wages. $20/hr minimum. If you’re hired by advance, don’t show up, go to Autozone they pay $2-5 more depending on position and that’s a huge difference when it comes to trying to survive in bidens economy.